Weight: 13 lbs 6 ounces 8 percentile
Height: 25 inches 25 percentile
Head: 16 1/4 inches 20 percentileMy baby is disappearing! She's so tiny! No worries though, nothing is wrong with Natalie. The doctor said that she is just taking after her mommy. She's very petite.
I'm always worried about her weight though because compared to Marisa, she is so different. Marisa ate like a horse and Natalie eats like a mouse. Marisa was chunky and Natalie is light as a feather. The doctor compared their charts and they seem to be doing the same thing on their growth chart just at different numbers. Anyways, Natalie is happy and healthy and that is all I hope for!
Natalie is developing just fine, hitting all her milestones, and FINALLY only waking up once to eat. A week of sleeping training (not as bad as I expected it to be) did the trick. Tim and I are excited about the stages she is entering because this is when it starts to really get fun. We sure love our tiny Natalie!
Loves:-Baby food. She's only had yellow vegetables so far but loves them all.
-Laughing with Marisa. Those girls can
crack each other up.
-Her mommy. She's a total Momma's girl. I can't leave her sight.
-Being held and LOVES to cuddle. I LOVE that about her.
-Walks and riding in the double stroller next to Marisa.
-Putting anything and everything in her mouth.
-Sticking her tongue out.
-Being a wiggle worm. This girl doesn't ever stop!