I've been tagged, so here it goes!
The rules: Player lists 6 facts/habits about themselves, At the end of the post, player then tags 6 people and posts their names, then goes to their blog and posts a comment letting them know they've been tagged and asking them to read our blog for the rules.
1. I am totally OCD about my house. Everything has to be
exactly in its place. I can tell if someone moves an item an inch to the left or right or whatever. It drives me crazy! I like to have a nice house with nice things and I basically like to have my house look like a display from a store. I don't know what I am going to do when I have several kids!
2. Speaking of stores, I am obsessed with Pottery Barn! I must admit, there are a few things that I can't get myself to buy because I think they are overpriced so I love to find a room I like from a PB catalog and copy it exactly by buying look-a-likes from Target, Bed Bath and Beyond, Bombay, etc. But there are definetly a few things from Pottery Barn that I HAVE to buy. Some things just can't be replaced.
3. I am also obsessed with Oprah! haha I know, wierd. I just wish I had her job!
4. Anyone that
really knows me knows that I am addicted to juice. I literally crave it. I have to have it! I wake up wanting juice, I need juice with every meal, and even when I wake up in the middle of the night, I WANT JUICE! Tim says that all his hard earned money goes to juice but he loves milk just as much as I love juice, so we are even. =o)
5. Have any of you watched a movie and wished you had some of the powers/abilities that some of the characters have? Well, I have! For example, when I watched Catwoman, with Halle Barry, I really wished I could have her kick butt powers. When I watched Oceans 11, I wished I could be amazingly sneaking and clever like all those boys! When I read and watched Harry Potter, I wished I was wizard so I can do magic! And the lists goes on and on....haha.
6. And lastly, like most girls, I love shopping! If money weren't an issue I would seriously shop every single day of my life. That is one happy life! haha
Ok, I now tag...Megan Hilton, Kelsi Rose, Steph Rich, Kari Call, Sara Hart, and Emily Nelson. Have fun!