Saturday, November 3, 2012

missing England already

Today Tim and I were overwhelmed with parting sorrows. We just kept commenting back and forth to each other how much we were going to miss living here. And what we were going to miss. The list between us kept growing as we walked to the London Museum, passed St. Paul's, stopped at a cafe for peppermint hot chocolate, jumped onto the train...

We still have a few more months but man, we are feeling it.

1 comment:

shannon said...

Oh, Tanya! I feel you! I so feel you! Remember my blog posts?!? I still cry when I read them (even though we are back!). When you're drowning in tears when it's time to go, I am here for you! And when you're back in the states, I'll be your post runner to send you anything from the UK you can't live without! Or actually, go here (just happens to be off Crown Valley!)


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